July 26th, 1965: 'Latvian astronomers Robert bVitolniek/b, Jan Melderis and Esmeralda bVitolniek/b were studying silvery clouds from the observation station of Ogra in Latvia. / At 9.35 p.m., in the gathering dusk, they spotted an unusually bright star b....../b Alternatively, UFO's could be mankind from the future traveling back in time for tourism/bvacationing/b and/or scientific studies. Or they could be principalities (angels and demons) battling it out as described in the bible . ...
fattoria del pescatore bVitolnieki/b, una = serie di=20 pittoreschi edifici di legno purtroppo chiusi a quest'ora. = Tagliando per=20 la pineta, siamo sulla splendida spiaggia di sabbia bianca, sferzata = dalle=20 ...